

(Some images below are links to more information)

:: 04 - 05 SEASON ::

For Tomorrow (The Very Very Last Lucky Tackle Show Ever, Honest)
August 20



Tim Sullivan :: Amazing Luminous Fountains
July16 - August 13



Amy Morrell :: Aailyon Mulk: Finding the New Frontier
June 4 - July 2



Yoshimi Hayashi :: SNIPS
February 19 - March 19



Kerri Lee Johnson :: The Adventures of Girl, Boy, Dog
January 15 - February 12



David Ingenthron :: When Things Were Funnier...
November 20- December 18



It Can Change :: The Clothing Project
October 16 - November 13



:: 03 - 04 SEASON ::

Matt Driggs :: Seven Heads High
April 17 - May 22



Michael Arcega :: Divide and Concur
March 6 - April 3



Darshan Amrit :: AS-IS
February 28



Juliana Paciulli :: The Girl Who Knew Too Much
January 10 - February 7



Amy Robinson :: N.Q.R.
November 15 - December 13



Black Rainbow
Curated by Anne Collier
September 27- October 25



:: 02 - 03 SEASON ::

August 16



Christian Maychack :: Chances Aren't
. July 19th - August 16th



Making Ends Meet or Art Priced to Accommodate the Failing Economy
June 28th



Art Chicago International Invitational
May 9th-12th :: Booth AB248



Finishing School with Christy Thomas :: The Patriot Library
April 26th - May 24th



amanda a. hendricks :: ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
March 8th - April 5th



VideoMixTape Vol. 2 :: Screening
Feb 15



Sarah Cain :: New Work
January 18 - February 15



Keith Boadwee :: New Drawings
November 23 - December 21



Jason Byers :: Objects in Eight Parts
September 14 - October 26



July 20 - August 24

lucky tackle's past shows